samedi 8 mai 2010

Chocolat: Jean-Charles Rochoux

Although this stop was only minutes after my previous chocolate shop, I felt that it should have it's own post since it is the LAST CHOCOLATIER THAT I WILL VISIT IN PARIS!

Jean-Charles Rochoux has an incredible, edible window display of dozens of chocolate statues. They also had the picture below in the window display but not in the store, which looked insanely good. On a fruit kick- I tried cherry, citron (lemon), raspberry, and honey. They were delicious as they melted in my mouth revealing their fruity bite. Shout out to the honey one, which technically isn't a fruit, but equally as delicious.

Sigh. Adieu mes chocolatiers! Au Revoir Paris! We've shared so many licks, bites, and smiles. Until we meet again- Chocolate, je t'aime.

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