samedi 8 mai 2010

Chocolat: Christian Constant

Two more chocolate shops left and they coincidentally are located on the same street! (37,16 Rue d'Assas) I started at Christain Constant's small shop and sampled four exotic floral chocolates: jasmine, cardamom,Frangipanier, and Youzou. Not that I had any idea what those were, BUT they were recommended by Christian himself so I couldn't say no! I enjoyed them in the courtyard of a nearby Institut Catholic de Paris, which had a beautiful garden and tons of young Parisians.

Yes, my Parisian celeb-siting was a chocolatier!! Other celebrities caught in Paris by BU students; Harrison Ford at the Museum D'Orsay, Stevie Wonder at the phone store, lots of fashionistas, fashion journalists, and magazine editors spotted by my friend studying fashion journalism.

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